Instagram: @Livefreeandbefit

Instagram: @Meaganferns_

Meagan is Strive's founder, owner, and operator. She first started dreaming of Strive back when she lived in Boston in 2016 and opened Concords very first dedicated indoor cycling studio in 2018.

As a Concord native, Meagan grew up playing sports and dancing. As she attended school at Ohio Wesleyan University in Ohio, her active lifestyle dwindled as other priorities came into focus. In 2014 Meagan moved to Boston where she immediately found herself in awe of the fitness community and started trying all the different workouts and studios the area had to offer. She was quickly drawn to the fast paced, beat driven workouts that the Boston Indoor Cycling Studios provided. 

Meagan loves to feel the beat as she pushes her riders where they didn't know they could go while getting lost in the music. She offers classes with heavy hills and fast sprints all carefully choreographed to challenge riders both physically and mentally and to encourage them to strive for their goals.

What are you striving for?                                                                                                      I'm striving to lift others up and show them what they are capable of.

What is a quote you live by?  "It is not our place to judge other's but to help others." 

What is something your riders may not know about you?                                                      I am a pretty open book but one thing someone may not know about me is that before my cycling days I owned and rode (kinda) a unicycle.